Abstract: In 21st Century concept of women empowerment is a burning issue in the present situation in India. In the field of science and technology we can see constant growth. at earlier time they were getting equal status with men. but they had faced some difficulty during post vedic and epic ages. Woman constitutes the family, which leads to society and Nation. Social and economic development of women is necessary for overall economic development of any society or a country. The role of women has also changed in the 21st century People who exercise a great deal of choice in their lives may be very powerful, but they are not empowered, because they were never disempowered in the first place. Today women is leading in every field and society whether it be sports, commerce and industry, education, health, politics, technology, navy, army, agriculture. Due to advancement in the field of science and technology and the active involvement of women in it we have been able to overcome the evils of our society which were prevalent in our religion, caste and territory and were danger for the world's peace. yet they not absolutely free some discrimination and harassment of the society.

Keywords: concept of women empowerment, historical background, constitutional provision, scheme of women empowerment, empowerment of women in India.